Our Mission

Living to Learn, LLC is committed to serving the students and families with school-age children in this community, addressing the unique challenges they face in accessing quality housing that supports their educational goals. Essentially, Living to Learn, LLC will acquire available residential properties with the intent to revitalize, rebuild and provide families with compliant and fair market housing.

Our Vision

Cleveland has been facing a shortage of safe and affordable housing options for families. It is particularly prevalent with those that have school-age children. Unfortunately, large numbers of students who attend school in the city of Cleveland, Ohio belong to families that are either currently displaced or have been displaced before due to less than substantial housing conditions within their neighborhoods. This project aims to address this need by acquiring multi-family units that surround or sit adjacent to schools, rehabilitating, revitalizing (if necessary) and ultimately offering a secure and comfortable living environment through partnering with a number of community/governmental assistance programs which will directly support the academic focus and achievement of Cleveland’s K-12 students.

Meet Our Founder!

"I transitioned from being a teacher to an administrator because I realized my skill set had grown beyond the four walls of the classroom. Now, as a principal, I understand that my community’s need and my passion to help others spans far beyond the walls of my building. My goal is to reach out beyond my school and into the community to serve. I firmly believe that equitable housing is a root cause for many educational challenges that our students face. It's time to address this issues head-on and create the conditions for success, both inside and outside of the classroom. Every child and family deserves it."

Ashley Hall-Green, M. Ed., S.A.


Living to Learn, LLC

Dream it

Build it

Grow it

Dream it • Build it • Grow it •